Source code for megaman.geometry.rmetric

"""Riemannian Metric learning utilities and algorithms.

   To use the "geometric" Laplacian from for statistically
   consistent results.


# Author: Marina Meila <>
#         after the Matlab function rmetric.m by Dominique Perrault-Joncas
# LICENSE: Simplified BSD

import warnings
import numpy as np

from scipy import sparse
from numpy.linalg import eigh, svd, inv

[docs]def riemann_metric( Y, laplacian=None, n_dim=None, invert_h=False, mode_inv = 'svd'): """ Parameters ---------- Y: array-like, shape = (n_samples, mdimY ) The embedding coordinates of the points laplacian: array-like, shape = (n_samples, n_samples) The Laplacian of the data. It is recommended to use the "geometric" Laplacian (default) option from geometry.graph_laplacian() n_dim : integer, optional Use only the first n_dim <= mdimY dimensions.All dimensions n_dim:mdimY are ignored. invert_h: boolean, optional if False, only the "dual Riemannian metric" is computed if True, the dual metric matrices are inverted to obtain the Riemannian metric G. mode_inv: string, optional How to compute the inverses of h_dual_metric, if invert_h "inv", use numpy.inv() "svd" (default), use numpy.linalg.svd(), then invert the eigenvalues (possibly a more numerically stable method with H is symmetric and ill conditioned) Returns ------- h_dual_metric : array, shape=(n_samples, n_dim, n_dim) Optionally : g_riemann_metric : array, shape=(n_samples, n_dim, n_dim ) Hvv : singular vectors of H, transposed, shape = ( n_samples, n_dim, n_dim ) Hsvals : singular values of H, shape = ( n_samples, n_dim ) Gsvals : singular values of G, shape = ( n_samples, n_dim ) Notes ----- References ---------- "Non-linear dimensionality reduction: Riemannian metric estimation and the problem of geometric discovery", Dominique Perraul-Joncas, Marina Meila, arXiv:1305.7255 """ n_samples = laplacian.shape[0] h_dual_metric = np.zeros((n_samples, n_dim, n_dim )) for i in np.arange(n_dim ): for j in np.arange(i,n_dim ): yij = Y[:,i]*Y[:,j] h_dual_metric[ :, i, j] = 0.5*([:,j]*[:,i])-Y[:,i]*[:,j])) for j in np.arange(n_dim-1): for i in np.arange(j+1,n_dim): h_dual_metric[ :,i,j] = h_dual_metric[:,j,i] # compute rmetric if requested if( invert_h ): riemann_metric, Hvv, Hsvals, Gsvals = compute_G_from_H( h_dual_metric ) else: riemann_metric = Hvv = Hsvals = Gsvals = None return h_dual_metric, riemann_metric, Hvv, Hsvals, Gsvals
[docs]def riemann_metric_lazy( Y, sample,laplacian, n_dim, invert_h=False, mode_inv = 'svd'): """ Parameters ---------- Y: array-like, shape = (n_samples, mdimY ) The embedding coordinates of the points sample : array-like, shape (n_samples) array of indices over which to calculate the riemannian metric. laplacian: array-like, shape = (n_samples, n_samples) The Laplacian of the data. It is recommended to use the "geometric" Laplacian (default) option from geometry.graph_laplacian() n_dim : integer, optional Use only the first n_dim <= mdimY dimensions.All dimensions n_dim:mdimY are ignored. invert_h: boolean, optional if False, only the "dual Riemannian metric" is computed if True, the dual metric matrices are inverted to obtain the Riemannian metric G. mode_inv: string, optional How to compute the inverses of h_dual_metric, if invert_h "inv", use numpy.inv() "svd" (default), use numpy.linalg.svd(), then invert the eigenvalues (possibly a more numerically stable method with H is symmetric and ill conditioned) Returns ------- h_dual_metric : array, shape=(n_samples, n_dim, n_dim) Optionally : g_riemann_metric : array, shape=(n_samples, n_dim, n_dim ) Hvv : singular vectors of H, transposed, shape = ( n_samples, n_dim, n_dim ) Hsvals : singular values of H, shape = ( n_samples, n_dim ) Gsvals : singular values of G, shape = ( n_samples, n_dim ) Notes ----- References ---------- "Non-linear dimensionality reduction: Riemannian metric estimation and the problem of geometric discovery", Dominique Perraul-Joncas, Marina Meila, arXiv:1305.7255 """ n_samples = laplacian.shape[0] laplacian = laplacian[sample,:] h_dual_metric = np.zeros((len(sample), n_dim, n_dim)) for i in np.arange(n_dim ): for j in np.arange(i,n_dim ): yij = Y[:,i]*Y[:,j] h_dual_metric[ :, i, j] = 0.5*([sample,j]*[:,i])-Y[sample,i]*[:,j])) for j in np.arange(n_dim-1): for i in np.arange(j+1,n_dim): h_dual_metric[ :,i,j] = h_dual_metric[:,j,i] if( invert_h ): riemann_metric, Hvv, Hsvals, Gsvals = compute_G_from_H( h_dual_metric ) else: riemann_metric = Hvv = Hsvals = Gsvals = None return h_dual_metric,riemann_metric, Hvv, Hsvals, Gsvals
[docs]def compute_G_from_H( H, mdimG = None, mode_inv = "svd" ): """ Parameters ---------- H : the inverse R. Metric if mode_inv == 'svd': also returns Hvv, Hsvals, Gsvals the (transposed) eigenvectors of H and the singular values of H and G if mdimG < H.shape[2]: G.shape = [ n_samples, mdimG, mdimG ] with n_samples = H.shape[0] Notes ------ currently Hvv, Hsvals are n_dim = H.shape[2], and Gsvals, G are mdimG (This contradicts the documentation of riemann_metric which states that riemann_metric and h_dual_metric have the same dimensions) See the notes in RiemannMetric """ n_samples = H.shape[0] n_dim = H.shape[2] if mode_inv is 'svd': Huu, Hsvals, Hvv = np.linalg.svd( H ) if mdimG is None: Gsvals = 1./Hsvals G = np.zeros((n_samples, n_dim, n_dim)) for i in np.arange(n_samples): G[i,:,:] =[i,:,:], np.diag(Gsvals[i,:]), Hvv[i,:,:])) elif mdimG < n_dim: Gsvals[:,:mdimG] = 1./Hsvals[:,:mdimG] Gsvals[:,mdimG:] = 0. # this can be redone with np.einsum() but it's barbaric G = np.zeros((n_samples, mdimG, mdimG)) for i in np.arange(n_samples): G[i,:,:mdimG] =[i,:,mdimG], np.diag(Gsvals[i,:mdimG]), Hvv[i,:,:mdimG])) else: raise ValueError('mdimG must be <= H.shape[1]') return G, Hvv, Hsvals, Gsvals else: riemann_metric = np.linalg.inv(h_dual_metric) return riemann_metric, None, None, None
[docs]class RiemannMetric(object): """ RiemannMetric computes and stores the Riemannian metric and its dual associated with an embedding Y. The Riemannian metric is currently denoted by G, its dual by H, and the Laplacian by L. G at each point is the matrix inverse of H. For performance, the following choices have been made: * the class makes no defensive copies of L, Y * no defensive copies of the array attributes H, G, Hvv, .... * G is computed on request only In the future, this class will be extended to compute H only once, for mdimY dimensions, but to store multiple G's, with different dimensions. In the near future plans is also a "lazy" implementation, which will compute G (and maybe even H) only at the requested points. Parameters ----------- Y : embedding coordinates, shape = (n, mdimY) laplacian : estimated laplacian from data shape = (n, n) n_dim : the manifold domension mod_inv : if mode_inv = svd, also returns Hvv, Hsvals, Gsvals the (transposed) eigenvectors of H and the singular values of H and G Returns ---------- mdimG : dimension of G, H mdimY : dimension of Y H : dual Riemann metric, shape = (n, mdimY, mdimY) G : Riemann metric, shape = (n, mdimG, mdimG) Hvv : (transposed) singular vectors of H, shape = (n, mdimY, mdimY) Hsvals : singular values of H, shape = (n, mdimY) Gsvals : singular values of G, shape = (n, mdimG) detG : determinants of G, shape = (n,1) Notes ----- H is always computed at full dimension self.mdimY G is computed at mdimG (some contradictions persist here) References ---------- "Non-linear dimensionality reduction: Riemannian metric estimation and the problem of geometric discovery", Dominique Perraul-Joncas, Marina Meila, arXiv:1305.7255 """ def __init__(self, Y, laplacian, n_dim=None, mode_inv='svd'): # input data self.Y = Y self.n, self.mdimY = Y.shape self.L = laplacian # input params if n_dim is None: self.mdimG = self.mdimY else: if n_dim > self.mdimY: raise ValueError('n_dim must be <= Y.shape[1]') self.mdimG = n_dim # dimension of the riemann_metric computed self.mode_inv = mode_inv if self.mode_inv not in set(('svd', 'inv')): raise ValueError(("%s is not a valid value. Expected " "'svd', 'inv'") % self.mode_inv) # results and outputs self.H = None self.G = None self.Hvv = None self.Hsvals = None self.Gsvals = None self.detG = None
[docs] def get_dual_rmetric( self, invert_h = False, mode_inv = 'svd' ): """ Compute the dual Riemannian Metric This is not satisfactory, because if mdimG<mdimY the shape of H will not be the same as the shape of G. TODO(maybe): return a (copied) smaller H with only the rows and columns in G. """ if self.H is None: self.H, self.G, self.Hvv, self.Hsvals, self.Gsvals = riemann_metric(self.Y, self.L, self.mdimG, invert_h = invert_h, mode_inv = mode_inv) if invert_h: return self.H, self.G else: return self.H
[docs] def get_rmetric( self, mode_inv = 'svd', return_svd = False ): """ Compute the Reimannian Metric """ if self.H is None: self.H, self.G, self.Hvv, self.Hsval = riemann_metric(self.Y, self.L, self.mdimG, invert_h = True, mode_inv = mode_inv) if self.G is None: self.G, self.Hvv, self.Hsvals, self.Gsvals = compute_G_from_H( self.H, mode_inv = self.mode_inv ) if mode_inv is 'svd' and return_svd: return self.G, self.Hvv, self.Hsvals, self.Gsvals else: return self.G
def get_mdimG(self): return self.mdimG def get_detG(self): if self.G is None: self.H, self.G, self.Hvv, self.Hsval = riemann_metric(self.Y, self.L, self.mdimG, invert_h = True, mode_inv = self.mode_inv) if self.detG is None: if self.mdimG == self.mdimY: self.detG = 1./np.linalg.det(H) else: self.detG = 1./np.linalg.det(H[:,:mdimG,:mdimG])
# could also be prod eigenvalues # inefficient? shall I do it on G?