
Though megaman has a fair number of compiled dependencies, it is straightforward to install using the cross-platform conda package manager.

Installation with Conda

To install megaman and all its dependencies using conda, run:

$ conda install megaman --channel=conda-forge

Currently builds are available for OSX and Linux, on Python 2.7, 3.4, and 3.5. For other operating systems, see the full install instructions below.

Installation from Source

To install megaman from source requires the following:

  • python: tested with versions 2.7, 3.4, and 3.5
  • numpy: version 1.8 or higher
  • scipy: version 0.16.0 or higher
  • scikit-learn: version 0.16.0 or higher
  • FLANN: version 1.8 or higher
  • cython: version 0.23 or higher
  • a C++ compiler such as gcc/g++ (we recommend version 4.8.*)

Optional requirements include:

  • pyamg, which provides fast decompositions of large sparse matrices
  • pyflann, which offers an alternative FLANN interface for computing distance matrices (this is bundled with the FLANN source code)
  • nose for running the unit tests

These requirements can be installed on Linux and MacOSX using the following conda command:

$ conda install --channel=jakevdp pip nose coverage gcc cython numpy scipy scikit-learn pyflann pyamg

Finally, within the source repository, run this command to install the megaman package itself:

$ python install

Unit Tests

megaman uses nose for unit tests. To run the unit tests once nose is installed, type in the source directory:

$ make test

or, outside the source directory once megaman is installed:

$ nosetests megaman

megaman is tested on Python versions 2.7, 3.4, and 3.5.